Brands and Life

the lifestyle is variable.It changes with the passage of time. Yesterdays trend is today’s history and the present lifestyle will b tomorrow’s story. Fashion changes with time.


“History repeats itself” but in the case of fashion it doesn’t. Today is the era of “Brands’ and people are running after them. They feel proud wearing branded watches, clothes, caps, shoes, jeans, glasses, phones and much more.

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Having a branded phone in hand, wearing a branded jeans and shirt increases self confidence and one feels proud when attending a meeting or any social gathering. It gives a sense of superiority. In short today is the era of Brands they have completely occupied our minds and are driving our thoughts resulting restlessness in our personality.

What life is…

What is life?
“life is the name of continuous struggle”
“life is neither a bed of roses nor a bed of thorns”
life is like an icecream enjoy it before it melts” ( although if u put it in a refrigerator it won’t melt)
So all these are the definitions which we have been listening from the very start of our educational career.But the question is what actually is my life?.
that’s what i have to find out. To this question the answer can only be provided by our own lives that what is our own life ? What we are doing in our lives ? What is happening in our lives etc.We dont need anybodys definition for our own lives. that’s what we have to understand. It doesn’t mean that those definitions to life are wrong, they are right but they may be the observations of some individuals. But the thing is they are not the true definition of our lives. Every person on this planet is having a different life, is living a totally different life. And approach to life is also variable of every individual. For some life is hard while for others its easy , for some its beautiful while for others it may be ugly, for some it may be good while for others it might be bad. So every person is having his or her own definition for life. Life is what we are passing through, what we are facing, what we are experiencing, what we are learning. Simply that is our life,,,,,,

Life Without a Goal

It’s been said that an “life without goals is like a race without a finish line”;. Despite on the off chance that you fastidiously arrange out each progression of your day or spend it flying by the seat of your jeans, it is essential to set objectives inside both your business and life.

Here’s the arrangement, we as a whole set objectives consistently, weeks and months both deliberately and all the more generally consequently. These objectives help us to decide the level of progress that we feel we have accomplished in life. Presently there are a lot of individuals who are aggressive and plan to “control the world” one day and numerous progressively that overcome existence without intentionally defining objectives. Notwithstanding which classification you fall into, it’s imperative to understand the open doors that can appear through objective setting and why you ought to take cognizant (and huge) activity on them.

Making Passion and Purpose

Defining unmistakably characterized objectives will help you to be more centered around the things that are imperative to your business destinations and hinder you from time-squandering exercises. When you have accomplished an objective or development, your capacity to join intending to your profound business wants and make a feeling of reason. This will at last fuel your enthusiasm and keep you propelled in the longterm.

Increasing More Free Time

As noted above, being sure about your objectives will help you to maintain a strategic distance from exercises that may appear to be critical yet are insignificant and enable you to concentrate on errands that are vital. This will prevent you from dawdling and feeling overpowered with obligations and enable you to free up extra time to have an individual life (yes, you can have an individual life and maintain your own particular business!).

Feeling Good and Boosting Confidence

Your mind works in secretive ways. Via preparing it to feel great each time you accomplish an objective, it will in the long run support your certainty, give you a feeling of vanity and help you push your customary range of familiarity. The feelings that you feel for the duration of the day are a decision. On the off chance that your default is to be exhausted, disappointed or impassive in life, you can re-program yourself by reliably setting little (and expansive) objectives and feeling that feeling of fulfillment again and again.

Enabling You To Make Choices

There’s no set in stone choices in life, their outcomes involve point of view. The main wrong that you can do is settling on no choice by any stretch of the imagination. You generally have a decision in what you say, think and do. I realize that periodically it can feel like you “need to” accomplish something, however in all actuality it is your duty to make a move and get the results (great and awful). Objective setting helps you to be sure about the decisions you have to make to line up with your own goals.IMG_1356.JPG





  • French Sociologist
  • A Moralist
  • Father of Sociology
  • Established the relationship of Sociology with other fields of knowledge
  • The description of the scientific works required for the reorganization of the society
  • Positive Philosophy
  • System of positive politics
  • Three stages in the growth of Social organisation
  • Theological thinking is associated to the military or monarchical social organisation
  • God would be there as the supreme of the hierarchy as King of Kings and as mighty warriors
  • spiritual deterrent could hardly be challenged
  • entrenchment would overcome and its challengers would be punished
  • Metaphysical stage produced a government controlled by “DOCTRINES OF ABSTRACT RIGHTS
  • A legalistic Social institution
  • More official and structured society
  • In Europe Nation States came out during this stage
  • Third stage Positive thinking made a society controlled by industrialists
  • An Industrial society in which men inquire into the nature and utilisation of natural assets and forces
  • Transformation of the material assets on earth for human benefit
  • Mass Production of material inventions
    • Law of three stages of Human Thought (Law of Human Progress)
    • primal persons tend to think in Supernatural terms
    • All phenomenon are made by instant action of supernatural beings
    • No priesthood because the gods were individuals occupying in firm objects
    • Too many fetishes (Any object or idea obtaining unquestioning reverence or response, respect or devotion) produced much confusion
    • Fetishism was turned into polytheism, hence developed the concept of priesthood in the societies
    • rational contradictions led to the arrangement of gods in an hierarchical manner
    • Concept of monotheism

    –Rationalization replaced imagination or creative power

    –God does not stand directly at the back of every phenomenon

    –Reasoning aided man to find some other order in the natural world

    –Principles and theories got domination over feelings and speculations

    –Scientific way of thinking and reasoning

    –A positive state

    –Origin and destination of the universe and the causes of occurrence and study of their laws

    –Observation and classification of the occurrence

    –Positive thinking suits the need of the industrial society

    • Classified sciences according to growing complexity, independence and reducing generality
    • Any branch of knowledge reaches the positive stage early depending upon its simplicity and generality
    • Considered Mathematics as the basic tool of the mind
    • It is not a member of the group of sciences, it is their common basis
    • Education without mathematics is faulty, inexact and unreliable
    • Astronomy the most general and simple of all natural science developed first
    • Followed by other sciences such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology and finally Sociology
    • Social sciences are most complex and most dependent upon other sciences for their development
    • Hence they occupy the highest place in hierarchy
    • He further classified the sciences in Inorganic and Organic Sciences. Inorganic sciences (Physics, Astronomy and Chemistry) are easy to develop
    • Organic Sciences such as Biology are more complex. “It involves study of all life and the general laws pertaining to the individual units of life”
    • Sociology represents the culmination of the development of Science. It is based upon Mathematics and is dependent upon Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy. These Sciences have taken time to free from theological and metaphysical speculations and thinking. Hence Comte argued that Sociology too would require some time to attain the full status of Sciencencomms9960-f4
    • According to Comte there are two divisions in Sociology
    • It refers to the “Study of the Laws of action and reaction in the Social Order”. It deals with the major Institutions of the society such as family, religion, economic etc.
    • It inquires into the co existence of the social phenomenon
    • There is a spontaneous harmony between the whole and a part of the social system
    • The parts of the society cannot be studied separately
    • When the harmony between the parts is lacking a pathological situation may prevail

      –If static inspects how the parts of the society are interrelated social dynamic focus on whole societies as the unit of study and reveals how they developed and changed through time

      –It inquires as to how human civilisations advances in different stages

      –Comte was convinced that all societies move through certain fixed stages of development and that they advances towards ever increasing perfect.

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Characters in literature are very important aspects of literature. They drive the story and the plot. They also provide opportunities for authors to drove into general themes about life. Characters are the most analyzed elements in literature because they provide the richest critical analysis of the author’s intent. In order to analyze characters in literature, it is important to read who and what these characters are and the ways they relate to the overall themes in the story. Following are the steps….

Step 1

Read the whole text. Take the notes on the characters. Underline passages in which a character is described both physically and psychologically. What do the descriptions say about the character?

Step 2

Determine that how the character’s personality relates to the plot. What type or kind of person is the character and how does she go about dealing with problems? For example, is the character a busybody gossip? If so, in what ways does this relate to the plot or to the other characters in the story?IMG_1250.JPG

Step 3

Take note of the environment in which the character is living and how does the character is responding to that environment? For example, if the character is a drifter, how does he relate to the town that he has drifted into? How do the other characters relate to him? What are the contrasts or comparisons between the character and his environment?IMG_1251

Step 4

Determine what is motivating the character. What does she want? For example, the busybody gossip might be a lonely woman who wants to make friends through gossip. The drifter might simply want a place to stay for the night.

Step 5

Take note of how the character is going about getting what he wants and how this might relate to his psychological makeup. For example, the drifter might lie about his background to convince a woman to let him stay at her home. What does this say about the drifter? How does it reveal his attitudes toward people or himself?

Step 6

Determine the author’s purpose in creation of the character. What are the themes in the story and how does the characters relate to the theme? For example, the story of the drifter can be about how people deceive themselves and others. The author’s purpose in creating such a character will drive this theme and the story’s plot.IMG_1253


English literature is a very old and waste literature. A brief history of English literature is given below…..

History of English literature is divided into following period
1}Old or Anglo Saxon literature
2}Middle English literature
3}Elizabethan literature
4}The age of Milton
5}Restoration drama
8}The Victorian period
9}The twentieth century (modern)
10}Post modernism (present)

They are further discussed as below ….

1. Old English literature:

Old English literature was written from about 600-1100, The greatest old English poem called ‘Beowulf ‘ whose author is unknown.

The old English authors, are known by name are Cadmon,the author of a short hymn,and Cynewulf’ the author of four long poems

2.Middle English literature:(1100-1500)
It started in 1100
Poetry: the most important poet of the time is Geoffrey Chaucer, his greatest work is Canterbury tales.

Drama: The three main types of medieval drama are mystery plays,about Bible stories,miracle plays about the lives of saints and the miracles the performed and morality plays,in which character s personify moral qualities such as charity or vice.

3.Elizabethan literature:

Written approximately during the time of queen Elizabeth (1558-1603). Thats why it is called Elizabethan literature.


Edmund Spencer the author of The Faerie Queen’s, Walter Raleigh,and William Shakespeare.


Drama is the greatest form written during the Elizabethan age.Shakespeare is considered the greatest playwright of all times ,his best works include Hamlet, king Lear,Macbeth Othello and merchant of vinice, Marlow six plays. Ben Johnson alchemist John donne 1572 -1631 metaphysical school of poetry

4. The age of Milton

Milton’s paradise lost,
Robert Herrick famous for beautiful lyrics.

5.Restoration Drama

The main form of drama of this period are the heroic plays as written by john Dryden,and the comedy of manners as written by Richard sheriden and William Congreve.

The main characteristics of neoclassicism are;

1) Poetry should be guided by reason
2) The role of the poet is that of the teacher
3) Poetry should be written according to fixed rules.
4) Poetry should use special diction
The major representative of this school
Are john Dryden and Alexander pope.

7. Romanticism

The main characteristics of Romanticism are

1) Poetry is the expression of personal feelings and emotions.
2) Imagination is a main source of poetry
3) Nature in romantic poetry is a living thing,a teacher of man,and a healing power Wordsworth’ Keats, Byron, Shelley and Coleridge

8. The Victorian period.

This period includes second half of the nineteenth century.
Poetry. Alfred tennyson and Robert Browning are the major poets of this period.
(Novel) the novel was the main literary production of the Victorian age
Charles Dickens, Jane Austen,Emily Bronte,George Eliot,Thomas hardy.
Oscar wild’ s importance of being Earnest.

9.(20th century)
(Also known as moderen period)
As a result of the political changes and the world wars,the sense of confidence in Victorian literature is replaced by the loss of faith,suffering, and uncertainty that modern literature expresses.stylistic experimentation and revolution against all literary tradition are the mark of modern literature. Some major figures include w.b Yeats, T.S. Eliot and W.H Auden in poetry,
Virginia wolf and James Joyce in the novel, and Samuel Becket in drama.

10.(Post Modernism (C.1945-present)
( The present literature English literature)
A notoriously ambiguous term,specially as it refers to literature, post modernism can b seen as response to the elitism of high modernism as well as to the horrors of world war ll .post modern literature is characterized by a disjointed,fragmented pasticcio of high and low culture that reflects the absence of tradition and structure in a world driven by technology and consumerism,
Julian Barnes,don’t delillo,tony Morrison,Vladimir nobokov,Thomas Pynchon and Kurt Vonnegut are modern writers of this era …….

Beauty of Human Relationship

Humans from the very first day of their creation are living together. They eat together drink together smile together and sometimes cry together.

Humans nature is very complex, difficult to recognize and very hard to understnad.

In the folowing lines there is presented a short story about beauty of human relationship…. which will make u understand the beauty of human relation. The example is of a marriage because marriage is the ultimate and a strong bond between husband and wife. You made a vow to love one another for better or for worse, but sometimes things become strained. Perhaps you had a bad fight, you feel yourselves drifting apart, or you may have simply reached a point where you realize you need to improve the relationship. Relationships require work and commitment to keep your love for one another strong, and marriage is no exception. With a little effort, some understanding, and a bit of patience, you and your spouse can improve your marriage and remember why you pledged your love to one another. The story is…….

A man married a beautiful girl whom he loved very much.They were living very peacefully and happily. One day she developed a skin disease. Slowly and gradualy she started to lose her beauty. It so happened that one day her husband left for a tour. While returning he met with an accident and lost his eyesight. However their married life continued as usual. But as days passed she lost her beauty gradually. Blind husband did not know this and there was not any difference in their married life. He continued to love her and she also loved him very much. There life was going on in a normal way.

One day his wife died. Her death brought him great sorrow. He became very sad.
He finished all her last rites and wanted to leave that town.

A man from behind called and said, now how will you be able to walk all alone? All these days your wife used to help you.
He replied, I am not blind. I was acting, because if she knew l could see her ugliness it would have pained her more than her disease. So I pretended to be blind. She was a very good wife. I only wanted to keep her happy…….

Moral:- *Some times it is good for us to act blind and ignore one another’s short comings, in order to be happy*

*No matter how many times the teeth bite the tongue, they still stay together in one mouth. That’s the spirit of FORGIVENESS.*

*Even though the eyes don’t see each other, they see things together, blink simultaneously and cry together. That’s UNITY.”*

That’s the BEAUTY of Human Relations. We are nothing without each other*
We have to look after for eachother and we gotta love eachother.